The #ownbestfriend movement was started as a means of inspiring women to fully step into their best life by practicing authentic self-care – beyond bubble baths, massages and taking a nap. Everyone experiences stress and challenges throughout life. Those challenges cannot be successfully negotiated (on a long-term basis) without learning the skills of self-compassion, gratitude …
How To Be The Luckiest Person You Know
I am the luckiest person I know. Not because I win at the lottery (I never win at scratch tickets!) I have arthritis, colitis and bad knees. I would prefer to be thinner and more in shape (that’s really on me), and I would love to have a home at the beach (not happening in …
5 Steps to the Life You Want – Starting NOW
What are you doing in your life? Are you happy, satisfied, energized? Or are you feeling stuck, unhappy, feeling like there’s GOT to be something more? Are you counting the days until your next vacation – six months, (or worse), a year away? You have so many options, even when you can’t see anything but …